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2023 Jun-Aug

Software Engineer Intern @ SLB (f.k.a Schlumberger)

Location: Stavanger, Norway 🇳🇴

Developed a prototype for visualisation of 4D seismic - seismic interpretation over time - in Subsurface Framework Building (SFB) application.

Tags: C#, C, C++, Data Structures, Azure DevOps Services, Visual Studio, Agile Methodologies, 3D Visualization, Unity, Git

2022 Jun-Aug

Software Engineer Intern @ Schlumberger AS

Location: Stavanger, Norway 🇳🇴

Developed computer graphics solutions to render and visualise voxels for seismic volume data in Unity using C# and shader programming.

Tags: C (Programming Language), Raycasting, Linear Algebra, Unity, HLSL, GLSL, GPU, Shaders, Volume Rendering, C#, Git

2022 Jan-Jun

Bachelor's degree

Automating the Process of Measuring Chemical Substances in Samples: Using a Motorised Sampling Platform

Location: Uppsala, Sweden 🇸🇪

Diva portal, PDF

measurement instruments are small and require high precision. A single measurement session can often contain a large amount of samples, which is why it is crucial to automate this process. The solution, which is discussed in this report, is a Graphical User Interface that allows a user to control three linear motors that can move in the X-, Y-, and Z-axis. Movement of the motors results in the movement of the sampling platform, which allows a measurement instrument to be inserted and ejected from each sample with a much higher precision than a human is capable of. Automating the process does not only result in a more accurate and precise measurement process, but also a more efficient process, since the sample size can be decreased. By decreasing the sample size, it is also possible to increase the number of samples to perform measurements on. The results shows an increase in accuracy and a reduction of the required supervision over the sampling process. Moreover, our solution also reduces power consumption since the equipment used in the analyses requires less uptime.

Tags: Controller, pyvisa, visa, sample platform, sampling platform, motor, conex-cc, qt

2021 Apr-Jun

Nationskollen, A meeting place for all student nations of Uppsala

Source Code (Github)

Location: Uppsala, Sweden 🇸🇪

I took a course in 2021 Q2 called "Computer systems and project work" where we implemented an application that connects the student with the student nations in Uppsala, Sweden. This was done with the help of a four part system where there was an admin web app, mobile application and a backend with an in-house built SDK for communication between the backend and frontend. I worked with backend and SDK.

2020 Aug - 2019 Jun

IT Technician/Consultant @ EPM Data AB

Location: Stockholm, Sweden 🇸🇪

Tags: Operating Systems, System Administration, Linux System Administration, Domain Name System (DNS), Windows, Technical Support